
Legal legal boutique

Since its foundation, this legal firm has advised national and international clients from the main sectors of activity in a good number of matters of all kinds.
One of the main characteristics of S&C Abogados is its ability to offer rigorous and, at the same time, flexible advice, in order to help clients’ businesses and matters be completed quickly and with the best possible results and security.

Areas of expertise

Labor relations or Human Resources consulting

Labor relations or HR consulting

Labor advice both in individual matters and in collective labor relations (including collective bargaining) that covers any aspect related to the field of labor relations…

Plans and pension funds

Plans and funds
of pension

We offer advice to the Company on the position and rights of the promoter in the pension plans or in those complementary social welfare systems that it has established or plans to implement…

Prevention of occupational hazards

Prevention of
occupational hazards

Asesoramiento en la compleja normativa de los riesgos laborales que comprende la presencia, como asesores del cliente, en los Comités de Seguridad y Salud, el análisis del grado y nivel de cumplimiento de la normativa…

Update on regulations and court doctrine

Update on regulations and court doctrine

New regulations or rulings handed down by the courts, of special importance, will be brought to the attention of the Company’s management, through update circulars or round tables…

Labor litigation service

labor litigation

Before the Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration Services; Social or contentious-administrative courts and regional or national Labor Courts and before the State Administration…

Equality Plans

Plans of

We offer comprehensive and more specific advice on the preparation, implementation and monitoring of Equality Plans, as a specific obligation required of Companies with more than 250 workers…

The office

Over 40 years of experience behind us

At our firm, we specialize in all areas of labor law, from collective bargaining and employment contracts to defending individual and collective labor rights in court. Our long history and experience in the field allows us to offer effective solutions adapted to each situation.

For us, closeness and personalized treatment are essential. We are dedicated to knowing in depth the needs of each client in order to offer the best service and legal advice. The satisfaction of our customers is our greatest satisfaction.

The office

Contact us

Abogados S&C

Paseo de la Habana nº 15, 4º dcha
28036 Madrid

Tlf.: +34 917 665 127
Fax: +34 917 669 613

Email: info@abogadossyc.com

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